Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Dr. Qamar Ali
Department of Economics
Faculty of Arts

PhD (Economics)

I am working as Instructor/Tutor in Economics, Virtual University of Pakistan since 15-12-2015. Addition to my teaching responsibilities, I wrote 50 research papers after joining Virtual University of Pakistan. These research papers are published in recognized national & international journals. Out of these, 26 research papers are published in impact factor journals like Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=9.227), Renewable Energy (IF=8.001), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and practice (IF=5.594), Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF=3.056), Scientia Horticulturae (IF=3.463), Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (IF=1.200), The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (IF=0.422). Moreover, I am also engaged as reviewers with different research journals. I received a certificate of the Outstanding Reviewer in 2017 from Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=14.982), Elsevier, The Netherlands. I also received certificate of reviewing research articles from Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF=2.800), Springer & Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, Science Domain International, India. The cumulative impact factor of my published work is 185.571 , having 1215 citations and h-index 18. I wrote 4 Economics books, published by Dogar Publishers, Lahore
Virtual University of Pakistan
From Dec 15, 2015 To present
College Teaching Intern (CTI)
Govt. Postgraduate College, Samanabad, Faisalabad
From Oct 05, 2015 To Dec 12, 2015
Shiblee College of Commerce, Faisalabad
From Sep 01, 2011 To Sep 30, 2015
Honors And Awards
Reviewer from Environmental Research (IF=6.498), Elsevier
Year: 2020
Research Productivity Award
Year: 2019
Outstanding Reviewer from Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=14.982, Elsevier, The Netherlands.
Year: 2017
Category: W
Dynamic relationship between financial development, energy consumption, trade and greenhouse gas: Comparison of upper middle income countries from Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Journal of Cleaner Production. (IF= 9.297)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M. Ashfaq and M.T.I. Khan (2017). An Economic analysis of off-season tomato production in Punjab. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. (IF=0.481)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.T.I. Khan and M. Ashfaq (2017). Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Off-Season Cucumber Production by Improving Energy Efficiency: A Case Study from Punjab, Pakistan. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. (IF= 1.186)
Category: W
Role of Knowledge, Behavior, Norms, And E-Guidelines in Controlling the Spread of Covid-19: Evidence from Pakistan. Environmental Science and pollution research (IF= 4.223)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.R. Yaseen and M.T.I. Khan (2019) Road traffic fatalities and its determinants in high-income countries: A continent-wise comparison. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. ( IF=3.056)
Category: W
Naseer, M.A.R., M. Ashfaq, A. Razzaq and Q. Ali (2019) Economics of irrigation water used for growing paddy crop varieties in Punjab Pakistan. Paddy and Water Environment (IF=1.262)
Category: W
Khan, M.T.I., M.R. Yaseen and Q. Ali (2019) Nexus between financial development, tourism, renewable energy, and greenhouse gas emission in high-income countries: a continent-wise analysis. Energy Economics (IF=7.042)
Category: W
Ali, Q., A. Raza, S. Narjis, S. Saeed and M.T.I. Khan (2020) Potential of renewable energy, agriculture, and financial sector for the economic growth: evidence from politically free, partly free and not free countries. Renewable Energy (IF=8.001 ).
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.R. Yaseen and M.T.I. Khan (2020) The impact of temperature, rainfall, and health worker density index on road traffic fatalities in Pakistan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (IF=4.223)
Category: w
Impact of wind speed and air pollution on COVID 19 transmission in Pakistan, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ( IF=2.860)
Category: W
The dependency analysis between energy consumption, sanitation, forest area, financial development and greenhouse gas: a continent-wise comparison of lower middle income countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (IF= 4.223)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.R. Yaseen and M.T.I. Khan (2018). The causality between road traffic fatalities and its determinants in lower middle income countries. Ciencia e Tecnica. (IF= 0.850)
Category: W
Yaseen, M.R., Q. Ali and M.T.I. Khan (2018) General dependencies and causality analysis of road traffic fatalities in OECD countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (IF=3.056)
Category: W
Khan, M.T.I., Q. Ali and M. Ashfaq (2018). The Nexus between Greenhouse gas emission, Electricity Production, Renewable Energy. (6.274)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.T.I. Khan and M.N.I. Khan (2018) Dynamics between financial development, tourism, sanitation, renewable energy, trade and total reserves in 19 Asia Cooperation Dialogue members. Journal of Cleaner Production. (IF=9.297)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.T.I. Khan and M. Ashfaq (2018) Efficiency analysis of off-season capsicum/bell pepper production in Punjab-Pakistan: A DEA Approach. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. (IF=0.481)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.R. Yaseen and M.T.I. Khan (2019). Energy budgeting and greenhouse gas emission in cucumber under tunnel farming in Punjab, Pakistan. Scientia Horticulturae. (IF=3.463)
Category: W
Ali, Q., M.R. Yaseen and M.T.I. Khan (2019) The causality of road traffic fatalities with its determinants in upper middle income countries: A continent wide comparison. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. (IF=5.594)