Virtual University of Pakistan
Federal Government University
Syed Shah Muhammad Shah
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology

M.Phil (Computer Science)

Computer Networks
Dr. Syed Shah Muhammad has joined Virtual University of Pakistan as a System Engineer in 2006. Presently He is working as a Lecturer in the department of computer science in MS section. He is mentoring MSCS students. Also Co-supervising the MSCS research students in final year projects. Dr. Syed Shah Muhammad obtained the degree of MS in computer sciences (MSCS) with the specialization of Computer Networks from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in 2005. He has completed Ph.D degree in Computer Science from University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore. He also had about one year teaching experience in different colleges. He has several publications on various technical subjects in HEC recognized journals.
Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore
From Jan 14, 2015 To present
MAM Engineer
Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore
From May 16, 2006 To present